Life definitely changed after having Little Man but not that
drastically, not for a while. I would get used to being a stay at home mom and
I didn’t mind at all at first, there was something magical about caring for a
new born. Little Man was so little and he was the perfect baby, slept through
the nights, never really cried a lot and when he awake he some how knew how to
entertain himself, and that was something that would stick with him as he got
Jonsey was working at the same distribution center, same shift
and with the only car we owned. With only one car and I hadn’t gotten my driver’s
license yet, so I spent a lot of time at home and in just a few short months it
would start to get to me.
We didn’t really know anybody there in Georgia, we had no
church, we only knew the in-laws but that was it. I would be at home by myself
with just Little Man and the TV. I think this is when my obsession with the
show FRIENDS and Seinfeld started, there wasn’t much else to do but watch TV
and surf the internet. I would join a Taste of Home Bulletin Board where I met
a ton of good ladies that became pretty close to me and soon they were my
friends, the only interacting group of friends I had.
I remember at one point the adopted mom contacting me but I
don’t remember how it happened or why. I remember trying to contact the social
worker that had handle the case with the three girls before I left home, I
remember talking to him and I remember telling him what was going on at home or
what had been going on when I was there. I told him there were some concerns
and he even told me that after I left home he would make follow up visits with
the girls and they would act strange and he had an idea something was going
on. But, he went on to tell me that
there wasn’t much he could do and that he was no longer on the case.
Somehow the adopted mother found out that I had been talking
to him and I guess that’s why we were in touch again. She was angry that I
would do such a thing, that I would go and talk to someone about what was going
on at home. I remember there being phone calls and emails between us but they
were never nice or fair. I remember her talking about wanting a relationship
and such but she wanted it on her terms, like were negotiating a peace treaty
or something. And of course there was no apology for what she had done to me,
no admittance to what had happened, nothing.
Just like everything else in her life, she wanted what she wanted and
she wanted it her way, under her own terms and if you couldn’t do anything the
way she wanted, she didn’t want to have anything to do with it or you at all.
So, like always, I had to stop talking to her, I was a mess,
I was angry and I couldn’t be like that, especially while trying to take care
of a newborn baby. Little Man didn’t need that kind of mom and I honestly just
couldn’t deal with the stress and pain from fighting a pointless battle with
someone who wasn’t willing to surrender and be reasonable.
As the year went on though, I would struggle with the post
partum depression, something I knew about and had read about while being
pregnant but didn’t recognize the symptoms as it was happening. I would start
to eat out of my depression and boredom. I was home all the time, except for
the occasion trip to the store. I had nobody to talk to or interact with,
nowhere to go and I guess mentally I was realizing that reality of the current
circumstances but didn’t know how to correlate it with post partum depression.
I never had negative feelings about or geared towards Little Man though, he was
what kept me going. But, I was putting on weight fast though, but it never
dawned on me that it was probably from the countless of regular sodas I was
drinking every day. I just didn’t really know then what I knew now about
calories and stuff. All I knew was that I was an adult and I could eat and
drink anything I wanted but I never realized that I was taking in more than
what I was putting out physically.
Everything else though in life was going good, it kind of
felt like we were living the American dream.
Dad worked, Mom stayed home and took care of the kid and when we got a
chance we would do things as a little family. We would go visit nearby parks or
go to the Motor Speedway to check out the free stuff to do. All was going fine
aside from me fighting a dark demon called depression under the surface but
again, I didn’t really know what was what I was dealing with and I wouldn’t
know that until years later.
But, our happy little life would soon come to an end. In the
summer of 2003, Jonsey would come home from work with a sore back one day. He
insisted on going to the doctor to get it checked out since his work was paying
for it anyways. The doctor said he probably just pulled a muscle though and
that it would heal up with time. But, Jonsey acted like he had broke his back
or something. He would find excuses to call in to work and not go in and what
started out as it being just one day, eventually turned into enough days that
landed him without a job period. To this day, I’ll never understand why he did
that, he had pulled a muscle, not become an invalid. So, before we knew it, he
was without a job and there was not a single source of income coming in
whatsoever. The bills were not being paid at all and I guess he just thought
they would pay themselves. He would try to find a job but only managed to land
a job selling Kirby Vacuum Cleaners and pay was based on commission only.
The guy who was the sales rep for Kirby somehow met me and
he was more convinced that I could sell a Kirby better than Jonsey could. He
said I had people skills and had a better handle of myself. So, he insisted
that I go with him to go sell Kirby’s and Jonsey and I switched places. He
would stay at home with Little Man and I would go to work. The sales rep was a
very kind, Christian man and he did what he could to help me out. He would
encourage Jonsey to be looking for a job though, something Jonsey didn’t really
do. While I was gone during the day selling Kirby’s, Jonsey would stay at home
and do nothing, literally. I would come home at the end of the day worn out and
the house would be a mess, nothing was being done while I was gone.
In July it got to the point where something had to be done.
The sales rep guy was convinced that Jonsey wasn’t doing his job as a provider
and he told me that if this is how he was or had been in the past, it was never
going to get better from here on out. He knew what kind of person Jonsey was
and he told me that if I was his daughter that he would encourage me to leave
him behind and move on. He said I had potential and that I could work but he
knew that I would end up doing it on my own one day. Jonsey had ample opportunity to land a job, we
had a car, we weren’t that far from the town that had all kinds of places but
Jonsey wasn’t trying hard enough. We had a neighbor willing to babysit Little
Man so he could go and find something but he always came up empty. At one
point, I was convinced that he wasn’t even going at all.
I thought about what the sales rep said and had told me and
kept it in the back of my mind. The sales rep had told me that if it came down
to it, he would help me get a bus ticket to North Carolina. I didn’t know where
else to go, I didn’t know anybody, I didn’t know how to get in touch with
anybody I knew in Houston and it seemed like the sensible thing to do was go
back to N.C. where I had a church and knew people.
Sooner or later, the bills just got too far behind and there
was hardly enough money for groceries. I remember we had to go to a food pantry
to get food until we could get on food stamps. But, then the electric bill got
behind and then there was that day when I came home in the middle of the day
and the power would be off completely. I don’t remember where Jonsey was or
where my baby was, just that the house was empty and dark. I knew that this had
gone too far and the only thing to do was just cry. It was July and hot as
could be. There was no way I was going to be able to spend a night in the
trailer with a baby, it wasn’t safe. I remember calling up the in-laws and
begging to spend the night at their house and we were allowed to but we would
have to leave when they did the next morning for work.
The next day we would go back to the trailer and I would
start packing Little Man and I’s things. I had decided that we were going to
leave. It had become obvious that Jonsey wasn’t going to step and take care of
things and I like in times past wasn’t going to bail all of out of his
mess. I couldn’t keep doing this with my
life, I was supposed to be married to someone who was supposed to take care of
his family and provide. I was all for working and getting a job myself but for
me to work all day and come home to a mess and no solution the problem was just
too much.
I called up Jonsey’s dad and step mom in Florida, I told
them that I was packing what I could and that Little Man and I were going to
North Carolina and that I was leaving Jonsey for good. Somehow they convinced
me to stay long enough for them to come up and get us and bring us back to
Florida where they lived and worked. They said I could live with them until I
figured out what I wanted to do. And so that was what we did. I started packing
up everything that belonged to Little Man and I and they came and got us and we
never looked back. I was so frustrated and hurt that it didn’t bother me that I
was leaving my husband behind. In my mind, he wasn’t being a husband, if he
really loved us and knew what he was supposed to do as a provider and a father,
he would have not put us in that position at all.
Until next time, be blessed and inspired to make a
~The Adopted Child
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